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Please feel free to join us at any of our services.

9:30 am - Morning Service

Around 1 hour 15 minutes in church.


A friendly service of morning prayer where we sing a mix of traditional and contemporary songs, hear what God has to say through the Bible, speak to God in prayer and encourage one another in fellowship.


Feel free to stay for refreshments and a chat after the service.

Kids in Church

11:15 am - Family Service

Around 1 hour in church hall.


A family orientated service with a mix of contemporary and children songs, hearing what God has to say through the Bible, speaking to God in prayer and plenty of opportunities for the children to learn and engage through craft and a range of activities.

Church Choir

6:30 pm - Evening Praise

Around 1 hour 25 minutes in church.


A friendly and informal evening service where we praise God and encourage one another through contemporary songs, hearing what God has to say through the Bible, prayer and fellowship.

11:15 am - Clifton Church

You are also welcome to join us at our Clifton Church, where services take place every Sunday morning.


What is Communion?


Communion is a time Christian believers share together; breaking and eating bread, and pouring out and drinking wine to remember Jesus death on the cross, as his body was broken and his blood poured out as a sacrifice to allow all who turn to God to enjoy a relationship with Him.


We ask that only believers take the bread and wine. Alternatively, prayer is available for anyone.

Bread Loaf

Communion Schedule

We endeavour to have communion at one of our services every week.


9:30 am

1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday in the month


11:15 am

2nd Sunday in the month

(Ribena is available for children who have been accepted to receive communion)


6:30 pm

4th Sunday in the month

St Peter's Church

Church St, Conisbrough, 

Doncaster,  South Yorkshire, 

DN12 3HL


Church Mobile


Sunday Service


10:30am in Church and

on Facebook and Youtube

Breaking Bread Together


First Sunday @ 6.30pm
in Church

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© 2020 St. Peter's Church Conisbrough.

Registered Charity 1134036

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